Die kuns

Dit is so wonderlik hoe een stuk kuns/fotografie soveel verskillende dinge vir soveel verskillende mense kan beteken. Kuns is 'n goeie manier om 'n storie te vertel, veral in die vertel van 'n mens se geestesgesondheidsverhaal of reis. Kuns vang soveel verskillende emosies vas!
Dit gaan nie oor hoe goed of sleg iets in 'n ander se oë is nie, maar hoe die werk 'n storie vertel.

Die Kalmte Binne My Storm
Deur Jason Kehl

Deur Jason Kehl

Ontmaskering van wat te lank gemasker is
Deur Jason Kehl

Deur Jason Kehl

Ses liter-produksies: fotografie en beelde deur Ian B. Cassidy

Deur Ian B. Cassidy

Deur Ian B. Cassidy

"Hierdie is deel van die baie persoonlike en baie konfronterende selfportretreeks wat ek onlangs gedoen het." -- Ian B. Cassidy
Kyk na meer van Ian se fotografie by

![helterskelter[50] - Charlotte Dooley.jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/02ae41_c8276256a7e74dd9937c01030f609e24~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_302,h_403,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/helterskelter%5B50%5D%20-%20Charlotte%20Dooley.jpg)

deur Charlotte Dooley
"'Helter-Skelter' verteenwoordig die kinkels en draaie in die lewe wat ons geestesgesondheid uitdaag. Die kolkende lug wys emosie". -- Charlotte Dooley


by Norb Lisinski
Here is a painting and the concept study for a "mental health" themed piece. This piece has a number of elements in it that for me help to illustrate how one may feel at a low point in a personal struggle. I titled this one "Tinnitus". The figure in the drawing is feeling helpless which is evident with their fetal posture. The broken glass represents the shattered hope that often accompanies a struggle with tinnitus, and also vertigo, which often accompanies tinnitus. The enlarged ear is representative of the heightened sensitivity to the noises in your inner ear that the central nervous system amplifies when a person is under constant stress. The suggestion of a brain image also is representative of how tinnitus has to do with our brains interpretation of our inner well being. I've heard about other people's personal struggles with tinnitus where it's ringing so loud that they can't hear their phone ring. When one first experiences it, a feeling of anxiety can envelope you as you are not sure what is going on. Over time and research we learn that the main focus with tinnitus is to get the parasympathetic nervous system relaxed which takes focus and practice. There are times it can be very quiet but at other times it can spike depending on the level of stress you are experiencing.
This piece won the First Place Award at the Ontario Shores ‘Celebrating a Century of Care"‘ Juried Art Show. Juror’s comment: "A marvellous high realist masterpiece with a unique composition and wonderfully placed figurative element combined with shattered graphic dissonance that masterfully illustrates the chosen theme."
Dimensions: 18” x 24”
Medium: Acrylic on Masonite
Pencil Study
Dimensions: 7.25" x 10.75"
Medium: Pencil on Yupo Paper

Dit kan JY wees!!
Het jy 'n kunswerk wat jy graag wil deel?
Kan 'n skets/skildery/ wees
kleurpotlood of 'n houtskooltekening ens.

Dit kan JY wees!!
Het jy 'n kunswerk wat jy graag wil deel?
Kan 'n skets/skildery/kleurpotlood of 'n houtskooltekening ens wees.
Deel jou werk as 'n manier om jou geestesgesondheidsverhaal te vertel vir ander om te sien en van genees. Dit kan gebruik word om te wys watter emosie jy ook al voel. Kuns is so 'n goeie manier om 'n boodskap oor te dra wat 'n ander kan help.

Dit is OK om nie OK te wees nie
Rocking Mental Health is 'n gemaklike plek vir ons almal om ons ervarings te deel.
Uitgedruk deur die manier van jou keuse, of dit nou video's, poduitsendings, blogs, musiek, kuns, boeke, en meer is, is ons altyd op soek na nuwe idees. Kom ons versprei geestesgesondheidsbewustheid saam.
Stel jy belang om jou inhoud te deel? Stuur vir my 'n boodskap!
Ons deel graag jou kreatiwiteit!