Nedenfor er noen nettsteder jeg har funnet ut som gode ressurser. Dette er ikke i nærheten av alle de viktige nettstedene der ute. Gi meg gjerne beskjed om ressurser du finner fordelaktig for deg selv og andre. Jeg vil oppdatere denne siden etter hvert som jeg kommer over andre nettsteder og ressurser og også basert på anbefalingene dine.
Generell: - Nasjonal selvmordsforebyggende livslinje - Administrasjon av rus og psykisk helsevern - Nasjonal allianse for psykiske lidelser - Mental Health America - Nasjonalt institutt for psykisk helse - samaritanere
Avhengighet/gjenoppretting: - Avhengighetssenter er et gratis nettbasert informasjonssenter som lager pedagogiske artikler om rusmisbruk og samtidig forekommende atferds- og psykiske lidelser for mennesker i alle demografier over hele landet.
I stedet for å gi direkte medisinsk behandling, samarbeider Addiction Center med nasjonalt anerkjente behandlingstilbud for å gi behandlingsrådgivning, rehabiliteringsplassering og forsikrings-/økonomiske konsultasjoner for de som søker hjelp. Siden vår har også en 24/7 konfidensiell hotline som kan matche en person med det beste behandlingssenteret for deres unike behov. -Avhengighetsguide er det eneste nettstedet for avhengighet og psykisk helse som er grunnlagt av en styresertifisert avhengighetsspesialist, en lenge restituert rusavhengig og ektefeller til rusavhengige. Vi er her for å gi pålitelig informasjon om avhengighet og bedring for å veilede rusavhengige og deres kjære til et lykkeligere og sunnere liv. - Forebygging av alkoholbruk er en av de mest effektive måtene å redusere alkoholrelaterte kostnader og skader. Alkoholmisbruk er ansvarlig for å ta livet av titusenvis av liv hvert år og forårsake smertefulle konsekvenser som leverskade, trusler mot ens velvære, abstinenssymptomer og dysfunksjonelle forhold. For yngre individer kan forebygging av alkoholbruk redusere sannsynligheten for å utvikle rusforstyrrelser (SUD) når de blir eldre. -Hjelp til alkoholrehabilitering - Vi har alle hørt den vanlige setningen: "Drikk med måte." Det viser seg at denne setningen kan være viktigere enn vi trodde. Nyere studier har vist at ingen alkoholinntak er trygt for helsen vår og kan forårsake kreft. Alkohol er et kreftfremkallende stoff på nivå 1, helt opp med tobakk og asbest, noe som betyr at det er et stoff som forårsaker kreft. - Allure Detox er en ny måte å starte livet på igjen. Avhengighet er en sykdom med ensomhet og isolasjon. Vanlig bruk av narkotika og alkohol avskjærer oss fra de tingene vi setter mest pris på – venner, familier og vårt høyere selv. For å komme oss, må vi komme tilbake i kontakt med disse glemte aspektene av livene våre. Så når vi endelig blir rene og edru, er det siste vi trenger mer adskillelse fra menneskene vi elsker og delene av livene våre vi en gang syntes var givende. Det vi trenger er å dukke opp for livet igjen, ikke dypere adskillelse. - Ambrosia behandlingssenter - Denne veiledningen gir utmerket informasjon om lover om testing av nyfødte medikamenter. - Senter for gjenoppretting av ametyst - Vi vet hva du går gjennom, og vi vet at det ikke er lett. Vi vil gå med deg på din reise til bedring og være der for å veilede og gi deg råd hvert trinn på veien. Vårt anlegg er et lite samfunn, som lar oss gi personlig oppmerksomhet til hver enkelt klient. Vårt brede utvalg av behandlingsalternativer tilbyr kundene et komplett spekter av daglige aktiviteter slik at hver enkelt finner en vinnende kombinasjon. - AToN-senteret - AToN Center er en luksusrehabilitering i San Diego, California. Vi hjelper voksne fra 18 år og oppover med å komme seg etter kamper med narkotika og alkohol og setter dem på vei til å leve et bedre liv med langvarig restitusjon. Våre spesialiserte programmer inkluderer en individualisert behandlingsplan med en helhetlig tilnærming, medisiner, psykisk helsestøtte og gruppeaktiviteter. - Bayview Recovery Center - Bayview Recovery Center tilbyr velprøvde polikliniske behandlingsprogrammer ved vårt Tacoma WA-medisinsk rehabiliteringssenter. Tjenestene våre kan tilby ulike behandlingsnivåer, noe som gjør at hver klient kan finne et effektivt og tilgjengelig restitusjonsprogram for dem. Hos Bayview inkluderer restitusjonen din velprøvde terapier, administrert av de mest respekterte avhengighetsspesialistene i bransjen. -Blue Star Recovery - Hos Blue Star Recovery tilbyr vi omfattende, integrerte behandlingsløsninger for alle som lider av ruslidelser eller samtidige lidelser. Vi tror på å tilby personlig tilpassede avhengighetsbehandlingsplaner som hjelper våre klienter å helbrede deres sinn, kropper og ånder. Vårt toppmoderne anlegg ligger i vakre New Jersey og tilbyr en rekke behandlingsalternativer som imøtekommer de unike behovene til hver enkelt. Disse behandlingsalternativene er utviklet for personer som trenger polikliniske behandlingsformer.
Vårt erfarne team av medisinske fagfolk er dedikert til å gi eksepsjonell omsorg for de som sliter med avhengighet og psykiske helseproblemer. Vi forstår at reisen til bedring kan være utfordrende, men vi er her for å støtte kundene våre hele veien, fra innleggelser til ettervern. -Casco Bay Recovery - Avhengighet har påvirket familier og lokalsamfunn i hele New England. Som en av Portlands fremste behandlingsfasiliteter for avhengighet, er Casco Bay Recovery unikt utstyrt for å hjelpe samfunnet vårt å helbrede.
Vårt avhengighetsbehandlingssenter gir eksepsjonell omsorg i en rolig, støttende setting. Klienter og deres kjære vil finne oppmuntring på alle omsorgsnivåer fra dedikerte behandlingsspesialister og deres jevnaldrende i bedring. -Crestview Recovery - Crestview Recovery er et fremadstormende bolig- og poliklinisk medikamentrehabiliteringssenter i Portland, Oregon. Hvis du er bekymret for at noen du elsker har kommet ut av kontroll med rusbruken sin, er Crestview Recovery forpliktet til å gi eksepsjonell omsorg til våre klienter. Vi tror at rusrehabilitering skjer best i et hjemmelignende miljø der folk får de riktige verktøyene til å utvikle mestringsferdighetene sine i den virkelige verden. Vi spesialiserer oss på å returnere håp til de håpløse. - Discovery Institute: New Jersey Rehabilitering og Rehab - Det er mange forskjellige stoffer folk blir avhengige av, og hvert enkelt stoff må håndteres forskjellig. Ulike rusmidler og alkohol har ulik effekt på en rusavhengigs mentale og fysiske helse. Discovery Institute tar hensyn til dette så vel som klientens egen sykehistorie. -Eagle Creek Ranch Recovery - Hvis du eller noen du kjenner sliter med avhengighet, er det viktig å få hjelp så snart som mulig. Avhengighet kan være en vanskelig sykdom å overvinne, men denDet er mange ressurser og behandlingsalternativer tilgjengelig.
Eagle Creek Ranch Recovery er et detox- og boligbehandlingssenter som ligger i Idaho. Vi tilbyr en rekke programmer og tjenester utviklet for å hjelpe enkeltpersoner med å overvinne avhengighet og starte på veien til bedring. Vi tilbyr også ressurser og støtte til familier og pårørende som er berørt av avhengighet.
Hvis du leter etter rehabiliteringsressurser i Idaho, kan vi hjelpe. Kontakt oss i dag for å lære mer om programmene våre og hvordan vi kan hjelpe deg eller din kjære med å komme deg på bedringens vei. - - Tveiledningen hans vil dekke hvilke stoffer som utgjør den største risikoen for unge voksne, de potensielle konsekvensene av å bli tatt, og hvordan man kan bli bedre. Hvis du er en student som sliter med rusmisbruk, kan du få hjelp selv mens du går på skolen. Fortsett å lese for å lære om hvordan du kan overvinne avhengighet og få den hjelpen du trenger. -First City Recovery Center - First City Recovery Center er et avhengighetsbehandlingssenter med base i Kokomo, Indiana. Som et MidWest avhengighetsbehandlingssenter kjenner vi verdien av familie og viktigheten av integrert liv. Det er derfor vi jobber så hardt for å tilby behandlingsprogrammer av høy kvalitet som imøtekommer både behovene til hvert medlem av den amerikanske familien individuelt og den amerikanske familien som helhet. -449 Gjenoppretting - 449 Recovery er et 90-dagers, co-ed mental helse behandlingssenter for individer som lider av maladaptive mestringsevner som avhengighet. Programmet vårt ligger i vakre Mission Viejo, CA, og er CARF-akkreditert og DHCS-lisensiert. Vårt mål er å integrere våre klienter tilbake til samfunnet på et forbedret funksjonsnivå, ved å bruke objektive evidensbaserte behandlinger.
Vi forvandler liv ved å tilby muligheter for restitusjon, velvære og uavhengighet. Vårt team av ansatte, rådgivere og terapeuter fremmer endring gjennom vår personsentrerte tilnærming. Vi bygger autentiske relasjoner med fokus på å hjelpe våre klienter å helbrede fra de følelsesmessige sårene som oppleves i livet. Du har en viktig historie å fortelle...fortell din historie! -Free By the Sea: Sunset View Drug and Alcohol Recovery Center – Skadene forårsaket av rusmisbruk påvirker ikke bare personen som kjemper mot alkohol- eller narkotikaavhengighet. Effektene av avhengighet påvirker også venner og familiemedlemmer nær individet. Grunnen til at avhengighet kan vare måneder eller til og med år, er fordi venner og familiemedlemmer som kjenner igjen hva som skjer, ikke alltid vet hvordan de skal søke hjelp for sine kjære. Det er her våre ansatte på Gratis ved sjøen kommer inn.
Våre sertifiserte fagfolk er i stand til å gi deg nyttig informasjon og assistanse hvis du tror at du eller en du er glad i har utviklet alkohol- eller narkotikaavhengighet. – Frihetssenteret - Frihetssenteret i Gaithersburg, Maryland er et omsorgsfullt og støttende rehabiliteringssenter som gir individer som lider av avhengighet en individualisert, men rimelig løsning. Vi erkjenner vanskeligheten med å ta det første skrittet mot bedring, spesielt når vi prøver å opprettholde dagliglivets ansvar som arbeid eller skole.
Det er derfor vi spesialiserer oss på tilpassede behandlingsplaner designet rundt hver persons spesifikke behov, slik at de kan fortsette å leve livet mens de mottar nødvendig omsorg for sin tilstand. Vi er dedikert til å tilby et trygt og sikkert nøkternt oppholdsrom for våre kunder. Vår individualiserte tilnærming er basert på klinisk drevne modeller som retter seg mot alle underliggende årsaker til avhengighet så vel som dobbeltdiagnosetilfeller. -Garden State Treatment Center - Hvis du eller noen du elsker trenger alkohol- eller narkotikabehandling i New Jersey, har du kommet til rett sted, og vi er veldig glade for at du er her. Du har tatt det aller viktigste første skrittet mot lindring, og det er det vi ønsker for deg og din familie.
Akkurat nå trenger du medfølende fagfolk som forstår hva du opplever akkurat nå. Heldigvis er det akkurat det vi er på Garden State Treatment Center. Vi er et erfarent og høyt trent team som har hjulpet med å trekke hundrevis av familier akkurat som din fra avhengighetens og fortvilelsens kjeft. - Illinois Recovery Center - I 2020 resulterte 2 944 overdoser av stoffet i dødsfall i delstaten Illinois. Dette var en økning på 33 % fra 2019. Interessant nok var 83 prosent av disse dødsfallene et resultat av opioider. En annen oppsiktsvekkende statistikk er at opioiddødsfall var 2,3 ganger høyere enn dødsfall i bilulykker og 2,2 ganger høyere enn drap. Mye av dette dødsfallet tilskrives fremveksten av fentanyl. Totalt sett har Illinois siden 2013 sett en økning i dødsfall relatert til syntetiske opioider med 2 736 prosent. - Jaywalker Lodge - Jaywalker Lodge er et behandlingsprogram med dobbel diagnose i Carbondale, Colorado, for motiverte menn som lider av rusmisbruk og samtidige lidelser.
Gjennom utdanning, individuelle og gruppeterapier, fjellekspedisjoner og 12-trinns fordypning, fremmer vi en kultur og et fellesskap der våre klienter lever ut de viktige åndelige opplevelsene som er nødvendige for personlig vekst og langsiktig nøkternhet. -Long Island-intervensjoner - Å delta på et intensivt poliklinisk program anbefales som en del av en godt avrundet behandlingsplan som retter seg mot narkotikaavhengighet og alkoholisme. Langvarig edruelighet krever kontinuerlig, intensiv behandling og et sterkt støttenettverk. Intensive polikliniske programmer på Long Island og utenfor staten gir kundene kontinuerlig omsorg og støtte gjennom en praktisk, men kraftig behandlingsprogram for avhengighet i et IOP-pleienivå.
Når klienter deltar på et intensivt poliklinisk program, er de i stand til å utvikle ferdighetene og relasjonene som trengs for å opprettholde restitusjonen fra alkohol og annen narkotikabruk mens du holder tritt med jobb, skole og familieforpliktelser. De fleste IOP-er tilbyr et dag/natt-behandlingsprogram, som gir klienter mulighet til å delta på behandlinger om morgenen eller kvelden. utm_campaign=outreach -Long Island behandlingssenter - Sliter du eller en du er glad i med rusmisbruk? Denne nettsiden tilbyr ressursene du trenger for å finne alternativene for restitusjon og rehabilitering. -LUNA Recovery Services - Hos LUNA Recovery Services er vi stolte av å holde oss oppdatert med de mest effektive ressursene som er tilgjengelige. Våre avhengighets- og psykiske helsepersonell har en lidenskap for alkohol- og rusrehabilitering, og derfor har de opplæringen til å tilby et komplett kontinuum av avhengighetsbehandling og omsorg. Men hvis vi ikke passer, hjelper vi deg med å finne en passende fagperson og/eller anlegg for å møte dine behov. - Magnolia City Detox - Det større Houston-området er et av de mest folkerike storbyområdene i USA. Faktisk er det det femte mest befolkede storbyområdet i landet. Med en stor befolkning har dette området en godt utviklet økonomi og en betydelig mengde turisme. Dessverre ser den også sin rimelige andel av avhengighet.
Avhengighet i Houston, Texas, er et betydelig problem. Delstaten Texas ser totalt sett en betydelig mengde narkotikasmugling ettersom den deler en 1254 mil lang grense med Mexico, en av inngangspunktene for ulovlige stoffer for å komme inn i USA. Metamfetamin, kokain og heroin er blant de viktigste stoffene som blir handlet inn i staten, som har den nest største befolkningen i USA etter California.
Enten rusmisbruk er involvert med ulovlige stoffer eller lovlig ervervede stoffer (som reseptbelagte medisiner og alkohol), er det svært skadelig for en persons fysiske helse, mentale helse og sosiale velvære. For å unngå eller reversere disse negative konsekvensene er det viktig å oppsøke avhengighetsressurser og bistand så snart som mulig. - Nasjonal rehabiliteringstelefon - National Rehab Hotline er gratis og tilgjengelig 24/7/365 for å hjelpe alle som sliter gjennom en rusmiddelbruk eller psykisk helsekrise med å få øyeblikkelig hjelp.
Spesialistene våre på krisetelefonen kan gi ressurssterk informasjon om alkoholisme, narkotikaavhengighet og mental helse, og hva de neste trinnene for deg selv eller din kjære kan være. Dette kan inkludere behandlingsforslag, umiddelbar krisestøtte & intervensjon, eller vi kan veilede deg mot lokale ressurser. - Northern Illinois Recovery Center – Å overvinne avhengighet krever profesjonell behandling og enorm støtte. Behandling er en kombinasjon av medisinsk behandling, klinisk behandling, kollegastøtte, helhetlig medisin og mer. Avhengighetsbehandling hjelper folk til å oppnå langsiktig helse og velvære som ellers kan ha vært uoppnåelig uten behandling. Vårt Crystal Lake rehabiliteringssenter ligger praktisk til omtrent 50 miles fra Chicago og gir den høyeste kvalitetsbehandlingen i Midtvesten. - Orlando Treatment Solutions -
Orlando Treatment Solutions gir ikke bare behandling; vi tilbyr individuelle løsninger! For en dedikert profesjonell på stedet er det mer enn et gjenopprettingssenter. Det er et behandlingssenter som tilbyr proaktive trinn i utvinningstjenester. Det er et Orlando Recovery Center som er et hjem borte fra hjemmet.
Vi tilbyr omsorgsfulle eksperter som gjør din nøkternhet og velvære til prioritet, du vil ha vennen og mentorskapet du alltid håpet på i avhengighetsbehandling. Orlando Treatment Solutions er en medisin- og alkoholrehabilitering som gir avanserte utvinningssystemer. Ta kontakt med oss i dag og finn din løsning. -Foreldre gir - For mange mennesker er eldre den siste gruppen som de kunne tenke seg ville håndtere problemer som involverer alkohol og narkotika. Dessverre indikerer nye data at antallet eldre med rusproblemer er på vei opp av en rekke kompliserte årsaker. Mer enn bare vitaminer og kosttilskudd, for å forstå forståelsen av senior narkotikamisbruk og avhengighet, kan du være forberedt på å få din eldre kjære hjelp hvis du mistenker et narkotikaproblem. -Veien til utvinning detox – Vårt oppdrag er å gi et grunnlag for rehabilitering og behandling ved å forbedre det fysiske, åndelige og følelsesmessige velværet til de som sliter med kjemisk avhengighet.
Gjennom et integrert system av forskningsbasert avhengighetsmedisin kombinert med holistiske terapeutiske tjenester, er formålet vårt å tilby et balansert program som både utdanner og styrker våre klienter. -Betaler for eldreomsorg - National Institute on Drug Abuse rapporterer at nesten 1 million voksne i alderen 65 år og over sliter med rusforstyrrelser. Dette problemet er spesielt bekymret for eldre, siden rusmisbruk kan forverre eksisterende helseproblemer som lunge- og hjerteproblemer, hukommelsestap og andre aldersrelaterte forhold.
Medicare tilbyr viktig støtte for seniorer, men det kan være forvirrende og overveldende for dem og deres familier å navigere i de spesifikke dekningene for rusbehandling. Det er derfor vi har utviklet en grundig, praktisk og lettlest guide som gir oppdatert informasjon om Medicare-dekning for rusbehandling. Vår guide belyser også egne kostnader og gir innsikt i hvordan Medicare kan lindre den økonomiske byrden ved å håndtere sameksisterende helsetilstander. -Gjenopprett integritet - IOP-avhengighetsbehandling for menn - Gjenopprett integritet er et boutique-samfunnsprogram som tilbyr gruppearbeid av høy kvalitet, flere individuelle økter og en teoribasert tilnærming til gjenoppretting. Våre gjennomtenkte vurderingskriterier lar oss opprettholde en privat atmosfære; bruker det høyeste nivået av klinisk behandling, visdomsarbeid og å fremme tillit hjelper vi folk å gjenvinne integritet. - Gjenskap livsrådgivning - Vi er stolte av våre individuelle behandlingsprogrammer skreddersydd for å møte behovene til menn, kvinner og familier som er berørt av avhengighet. Recreate Life Counseling tilbyr boligbehandling, delvis sykehusinnleggelse (dag- og nattbehandling med fellesboliger) og intensiv poliklinisk terapi i Boynton Beach, Florida. -Siden 2018 har RehabSpot har tjent fellesskapet som en online informasjonsressurs dedikert til å støtte alle som kjemper mot rusmisbruk eller en samtidig forekommende lidelse. Alle dataene som er tilgjengelige på Rehab Spot er kuratert og utviklet med publikums beste i tankene. Et team av journalister og forskere designer innholdet som publiseres på nettsiden vår. Teamet refererer til vitenskapelige, medisinske eller relevante publikasjoner fra offentlige etater eller medisinske tidsskrifter som er faktabasert for å sikre kvalitet. -Spring Hill Recovery - Avhengighet er en tilstand som tvinger folk til å bruke rusmidler. Det finnes ulike rusmidler som folk kan bli avhengige av, og det er flere grunner til at en person kan utvikle en avhengighet. Ulike behandlingsformer er imidlertid tilgjengelige, inkludert både døgnbehandling og poliklinisk behandling. -Start gjenopprettingen ble utviklet ved å bringe sammen eksperter innen rusbehandling fra ledende ideelle, akademiske og offentlige institusjoner. Gjennom denne viktige ressursen kan mennesker med psykiske helseutfordringer høre historier fra mennesker med lignende erfaringer, finne svarene de trenger for å gjenkjenne og håndtere ruslidelser, og finne støtte. - The Summit Wellness Group – Å gjenkjenne tegnene på narkotikamisbruk kan redde liv. Denne veiledningen tilbyr en overflod av veiledning for å gjenkjenne og svare påtegn på narkotikamisbruk. -Villa Kali Ma – Villa Kali Ma er et behandlingssenter for kvinner som lider av rusmisbruk og samtidige lidelser. I våre integrerende bærekraftige utvinningsprogrammer er målet vårt å legge til rette for helbredelse og transformasjon av kvinners liv. For å oppnå dette målet veileder vi kvinner til å se dypere, forbi smerten og frykten, og avdekke sannheten om hvem de er. Lær mer om hvordan vi hjelper kvinner å helbrede. -Westwind Recovery - Selv om behandling er en vanskelig avgjørelse, er Westwind Recovery® i Los Angeles prøver å gjøre oppholdet på et rus- og alkoholsenter så stressfritt som mulig. Vår Programmer for behandlingssenter for avhengighet i California er forskjellige fra andre behandlingsprogrammer på grunn av vårt høye omsorgsnivå, vår rimelige pris og vårt engasjement for å bli frisk.
Vi bruker en tilpasset tilnærming til behandling. Tross alt kan ikke alle komme seg fra rusmisbruk og psykiske lidelser på samme måte. Hvert individ er forskjellig og unikt, og det samme er rus- og alkoholsenterets tilnærming til behandling. Som et resultat av vår integrerte tilnærming med mange forskjellige fasiliteter, vil du eller din kjære enkelt finne en komponent som treffer hjemme. -Innen helse - Spiseforstyrrelser som overstadig spiseforstyrrelse, atypisk anorexia nervosa, og bulimia nervosa oppstår ofte sammen med rusforstyrrelser. Disse forholdene, når de oppstår av seg selv, kan forårsake betydelig svekkelse i mange aspekter av en persons liv - og når de oppstår sammen, blir de fysiske, mentale og sosiale konsekvensene ofte forsterkede.
Å ha en rusavhengighet kan komplisere behandlingsresultater for spiseforstyrrelser og omvendt, og det er derfor det er viktig at enkeltpersoner får omfattende behandling som dekker begge forholdene. - Jaywalker Lodge - Jaywalker Lodge is a dual diagnosis treatment program in Carbondale, Colorado, for motivated men suffering from substance abuse and co-occurring disorders.
Through education, individual and group therapies, mountain expeditions and 12-step immersion, we foster a culture and community where our clients live out the vital spiritual experiences requisite for personal growth and long-term sobriety. - Laguna Shore Recovery - Laguna Shores Recovery is dedicated to providing a premier, client-focused treatment program for those seeking addiction recovery. - Long Island Interventions - Attending an intensive outpatient program is recommended as part of a well-rounded treatment plan that targets drug addiction and alcoholism. Long-term sobriety requires ongoing, intensive treatment and a strong support network. Intensive outpatient programs on Long Island and out-of-state provide clients with continued care and support through a convenient yet powerful addiction treatment program in an IOP level of care.
When clients attend an intensive outpatient program, they are able to develop the skills and relationships needed to sustain recovery from alcohol and other drug use while keeping up with jobs, school, and family commitments. Most IOPs offer a day/night treatment program, giving clients the opportunity to attend treatment sessions in the morning or evening. - Long Island Treatment Center - Are you or a loved one struggling with substance abuse? This website offers the resources you need to find your recovery and rehabilitation options. - The Lovett Center - At The Lovett Center, our mission is centered on helping individuals overcome challenges with drug and alcohol addiction and mental health struggles through our comprehensive outpatient programs. With a team of over 25 specialized clinicians, we provide the personalized support and guidance necessary for a successful recovery journey. - LUNA Recovery Services - At LUNA Recovery Services, we pride ourselves on staying up-to-date with the most effective resources available. Our addiction and mental health professionals have a passion for alcohol and drug rehabilitation, and so they have the training to offer a full continuum of addiction treatment and care. However, if we’re not the right fit, we’ll help you find an appropriate professional and/or facility to address your needs. - Magnolia City Detox - The greater Houston area is one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the United States. In fact, it is the fifth most populated metropolitan area in the country. With a large population, this area has a well developed economy and a substantial amount of tourism. Unfortunately, it also sees its fair share of addiction.
Addiction in Houston, Texas, is a substantial problem. The state of Texas, overall, sees a significant amount of drug trafficking as it shares a 1,254 mile long border with Mexico, one of the entry points for illegal drugs to enter the United States. Methamphetamine, cocaine, and heroin are among the main drugs that are trafficked into the state, which has the 2nd largest population in the United States after California.
Whether substance abuse is engaged in with illicit drugs or legally acquired substances (such as prescription drugs and alcohol), it is highly damaging to a person’s physical health, mental health, and social well being. To avoid or reverse these negative consequences, it is important to seek out addiction resources and assistance as soon as possible. - Mana Recovery Center - Mana Recovery offers addiction treatment surrounded by a serene setting in Maui. We offer evidence-based programs and our own unique approach to overcoming substance abuse issues. At Mana Recovery, you’ll receive individualized care and a supportive community that offers continued reinforcement long after you’ve left our facility. - Melrose Recovery - Welcome to Melrose Recovery, your pathway to transformation and healing. Located in the vibrant heart of Los Angeles, California just moments away from iconic Hollywood and the picturesque beaches of Santa Monica and Venice, we are dedicated to changing lives. Our comprehensive treatment approach encompasses detoxification, residential care, and aftercare services, all tailored to meet each individual’s unique needs on their recovery journey.
Led by a compassionate team of addiction professionals and counselors, we offer a range of therapy programs designed to support and guide individuals toward lasting sobriety. At Melrose Recovery, we believe in the power of personalized care and diverse treatment options to pave the way for a brighter future. - Monroe Street Housing - Located just one hour outside of downtown Indianapolis, Monroe Street Housing is Indiana’s premier sober living program. Our transitional housing for men and women affords individuals in early recovery a significant advantage in long-term success. Call us today to learn more about our program! - Moving Mountains Recovery -At Moving Mountains Recovery, we believe that it is vital for treatment providers to assist clients in finding a passion for life. Our goal is to do just that; to guide our clients toward discovering something that gives them purpose. Nestled in the quiet serenity of Randolph, New Jersey, our innovative recovery programs help individuals find the motivation necessary to persevere through challenging situations. - National Rehab Hotline - The National Rehab Hotline is free and available 24/7/365 to help anyone struggling through a substance use or mental health crisis get immediate help.
Our crisis hotline specialists can provide resourceful information about alcoholism, drug addiction, and mental health, and what the next steps for yourself or your loved one might be. This may include treatment suggestions, immediate crisis support & intervention, or we can guide you towards local resources. - Northern Illinois Recovery Center - Overcoming addiction requires professional treatment and immense support. Treatment is a combination of medical care, clinical care, peer support, holistic medicine, and more. Addiction treatment helps people achieve long-term health and wellness that may have been otherwise unattainable without treatment. Our Crystal Lake rehab center is conveniently located about 50 miles from Chicago and provides the highest quality treatment in the Midwest. - Online MFT Programs - Deciding to look or attend drug and alcohol treatment might be a difficult decision, but ultimately a beneficial and rewarding one. If you are considering this treatment for yourself or exploring it for someone else, you should become familiar with the different treatment options, including therapy for drug addiction. This article will review the kinds of therapies available for those who struggle with drug and alcohol addiction, such as different types of behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, EMDR, family therapy, and more. However, before we explore the kinds of therapy, it’s important to be aware of the reasons and factors that can contribute to addiction. - Origins Texas Recovery - Struggling with addiction can be overwhelming and isolating, affecting not only the individual, but also their loved ones. At Origins Texas Recovery, we recognize the unique challenges posed by addiction and mental health disorders and are here to provide hope and healing. - Orlando Treatment Solutions -
Orlando Treatment Solutions doesn’t just provide treatment; we provide individualized solutions! To a dedicated on-site professional, it’s more than a recovery center. It’s a treatment center that provides proactive steps in recovery services. It’s an Orlando Recovery Center that’s a home away from home.
We provide caring experts who make your sobriety and well-being the priority, you’ll have the friend and mentorship you always hoped for in addiction treatment. Orlando Treatment Solutions is a drug and alcohol rehab that provides advanced recovery systems. Reach out to us today and find your solution. - Parent Giving - For many people, the elderly are the last group that they'd imagine would be dealing with issues involving alcohol and drugs. Unfortunately, new data indicates that the number of senior citizens with drug problems is on the rise for a variety of complicated reasons. More than just vitamins and supplements, to understand understanding senior drug abuse and dependency, you can be prepared to get your older loved one help if you suspect a drug problem. - Path To Recovery Detox - Our mission is to provide a foundation for rehabilitation and treatment by improving the physical, spiritual and emotional well-being of those who struggle with chemical dependency.
Through an integrated system of research-based addiction medicine coupled with holistic therapeutic services, our purpose is to provide a balanced program that both educates and empowers our clients. - Pathways Treatment Center - Going through addiction treatment may seem like a grueling and scary process. But with the right team by your side, the journey can be both fulfilling and effective.
At Pathways Treatment Center, we strive to provide you and your loved ones with all the tools needed to overcome addiction once and for all. Everyone deserves a second chance, and you find the true meaning in life and recovery here. - Paying For Senior Care - the National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that nearly 1 million adults aged 65 and above grapple with substance use disorders. This issue is especially concerning for seniors, as substance abuse can exacerbate existing health problems such as lung and heart issues, memory loss, and other age-related conditions.
Medicare offers essential support for seniors, but navigating the specifics of substance abuse treatment coverage can be confusing and overwhelming for them and their families. That's why we've developed a thorough, practical, and easy-to-read guide that provides up-to-date information on Medicare coverage for substance abuse treatment. Our guide also sheds light on out-of-pocket costs and offers insights on how Medicare can alleviate the financial burden of managing coexisting health conditions. - The Prairie Recovery Center - Our addiction recovery center in Texas provides a comprehensive approach to recovery. We blend evidence-based treatments with holistic therapies. In addition, we pride ourselves on our state-of-the-art amenities at our Texas rehab center. - Principles Recovery Center - Principles Recovery is a family-owned substance use and mental health treatment center. When you enter our program, you become part of our family. - Rebirth Recovery Center - Do you or a loved one suffer from drug addiction? Are you struggling to find an effective drug rehab in New Jersey? Look no further than Rebirth Recovery. Our state-of-the-art facility offers a luxury treatment experience for those seeking to overcome drug addiction.
Our experienced team of addiction specialists has over 15 years of experience helping people recover from drug addiction. We offer a variety of treatment programs including a partial hospitalization program, intensive outpatient treatment, and a standard outpatient program. We also offer medication-assisted treatment and dual diagnosis treatment.
In addition to our comprehensive treatment programs, we offer a wide range of therapies to help you on your road to recovery. - Recover Integrity - IOP Addiction Treatment for Men - Recover Integrity is a boutique community program, providing high-quality group work, multiple individual sessions and a theory-based approach to recovery. Our thoughtful assessment criteria allow us to maintain a private atmosphere; utilizing the highest level of clinical care, wisdom-work, and fostering trust we help people recover integrity. - Recovery Beach - At Recovery Beach, we’re more than just an addiction treatment center in Garden Grove; we’re your compassionate partner in healing. Our sincere commitment is to the Orange County community, where we provide specialized care tailored to you or your loved one’s unique needs.
You can rely on our deeply personal approach, employing a dual-diagnosis strategy that deals with the underlying causes of addiction. With us, you or your loved one will receive a treatment plan built upon a thorough understanding of the root causes behind the struggle.
Our dedicated team has created a blueprint for lasting sobriety and has helped thousands of clients find lasting sobriety and assimilate back into rewarding and fulfilling lives. - Recreate Life Counseling - We pride ourselves in our individualized treatment programs tailored to meet the needs of men, women, and families affected by addiction. Recreate Life Counseling offers residential treatment, partial hospitalization (day and night treatment with community housing), and intensive outpatient therapy in Boynton Beach, Florida. - Since 2018, RehabSpot has served the community as an online informational resource dedicated to supporting anyone battling substance abuse or a co-occurring disorder. All the data available on Rehab Spot is curated and developed with our audience’s best interest in mind. A team of journalists and researchers designs the content published on our website. The team references scientific, medical, or relevant publications from government agencies or medical journals that are fact-based to ensure quality. - Sabino Recovery - Set against the serene backdrop of Sabino Canyon in Tucson, Arizona, Sabino Recovery is the nation’s premier choice for mental health and addiction treatment. Our evidence-based treatment modalities place an emphasis on trauma as the root cause of many unhealthy patterns of thinking & behavior. Our intensive program has no set tracks, offering a truly individualized treatment experience.
Privately owned & family-oriented, our facility brings together a multidisciplinary team of specialists with world-class expertise. Our holistic approach, harnessing both traditional & cutting-edge therapies, ensures we address every facet of an individual’s healing journey. The outcome is not just recovery but true transformation.
Whether you are seeking treatment for yourself or for a loved one, we encourage you to take the first step toward true healing and contact us today. - Santa Barbara Recovery - Santa Barbara Recovery offers comprehensive aftercare programs to support individuals in maintaining their recovery and overall well-being. - Spero Recovery Center - Spero is Latin for hope, which is what we aim to give every individual on their recovery journey. At Spero Recovery Center, our mission is to improve the quality of life for individuals, families, and communities affected by alcohol and drug dependency by providing access to affordable primary treatment.
Our residential recovery programs are rooted in 12-step traditions and allow our clients to build a solid foundation for a substance-free life. We give our clients the opportunity to reflect on their past behaviors, repair relationships, and take the first step toward sobriety. - Spring Hill Recovery - Addiction is a condition that compels people to use substances. There are various drugs that people may become addicted to, and there are several reasons why a person may develop an addiction. However, different forms of treatment are available, including both inpatient and outpatient care. - Start Your Recovery was developed by bringing together experts in substance use disorder treatment from leading nonprofit, academic, and government institutions. Through this important resource, people with mental health challenges can hear stories from people with similar experiences, discover the answers they need for recognizing and dealing with substance use disorder, and locate support. - Surf City Detox - At Surf City Detox, we believe that lasting recovery is possible for everyone who seeks it. Located in the vibrant and healing environment of Huntington Beach, California, we offer a comprehensive, compassionate approach to drug and alcohol addiction treatment and treatment for co-occurring disorders.
At our Huntington Beach drug and alcohol rehab, our goal is to provide a safe and supportive space where you can heal, grow, and rebuild a life of wellness and purpose. With our expert team by your side, you’ll find a path forward that empowers you to overcome addiction and embrace a future of health and fulfillment. - The Summit Wellness Group - Recognizing the signs of drug abuse can save a life. This guide offers an abundance of guidance in recognizing and responding to signs of drug abuse. - Taste Recovery - Taste Recovery was founded to support those seeking a safe refuge and a new start. The definition of taste is to discover through experience. With knowledge of what sober living homes are out there, we hope to give you the best options to rediscover yourself.
There is a lack of resources to help those looking to start a solid foundation in early recovery. We have heard the desperation from addicts, alcoholics, and their fearful loved ones. Early sobriety is difficult and a time when addicts are at their most vulnerable. It is imperative that there is a trusted resource where individuals can go to find a home that is safe, secure, and supportive as they launch their recovery.
Taste Recovery wants to shine a light on this industry in a positive way. We hope to highlight the professionals that are doing everything in their power to ensure a safe, stable, and sober environment, while providing structure and support to those that live in their homes.
Taste Recovery offers those searching for a sober living an opportunity to find a home that best fits their individual needs. We believe that this will benefit each individual’s recovery by providing a new community that offers confidence and security. Recovery transcends when addicts and alcoholics find their sober tribe. We can’t do this alone. It takes a village, a home, a tribe, a community. Let us be a part of your journey as you trudge the road to happy destiny. - Villa Kali Ma - Villa Kali Ma is a residential treatment center for women who suffer from substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. In our integrative sustainable recovery programs, our goal is to facilitate healing and transformation of women’s lives. In order to accomplish this goal, we guide women to look deeper, beyond the pain and fear, and uncover the truth of who they are. Learn more about how we help women heal. - Westwind Recovery - While treatment is a difficult decision, Westwind Recovery® in Los Angeles tries to make the stay at a drug and alcohol center as stress-free as possible. Our California addiction treatment center programs are different from other treatment programs because of our high level of care, our affordability, and our dedication to recovery.
We employ a customizable approach to treatment. After all, not everybody can recover from substance abuse and mental health disorders in the same way. Each individual is different and unique, and so is the drug and alcohol center’s approach to treatment. As a result of our integrated approach with many different amenities, you or your loved one will easily find a component that hits home. - White Lotus Landing - White Lotus Landing is a women’s addiction rehab program in Leominster, Massachusetts. We provide residential addiction treatment and treatment for co-occurring disorders (including mental illness).
Our facility provides a safe, healing environment to address the root causes that lead to substance use disorders. With our help, you can reclaim your life from addiction and start on a path toward long-lasting recovery. - WithinHealth - Eating disorders like binge eating disorder, atypical anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa often co-occur with substance use disorders. These conditions, when they occur on their own, can cause significant impairment in many aspects of a person’s life—and when they occur together, the physical, mental, and social consequences are often compounded.
Having a substance addiction can complicate eating disorder treatment outcomes and vice versa, which is why it’s essential that individuals receive comprehensive treatment that addresses both conditions.
BIPOC: - Detox Local - An excellent resource that features abundant information including mental health and substance use resources specifically for the AAPI (American Asian and Pacific Islander) community. - Lexington Addiction Center - 28 mental health and substance use resources for Asian American students. - Live Another Day - Live Another Day believes in equal access to life-saving mental health and substance use resources. This website provides extensive information on the best resources available. - Louisville Addiction Center - extensive resource curated for the parents of BIPOC students. 45 Addiction & Mental Health Resources For BIPOC Parents. - Southeast Addiction Center - Newly updated, this guide features 50 substance use and mental health resources for Black men. - Indigenous Women have endured so much. This guide features plentiful resources to empower and strengthen them - 33 free resources for BIPOC college students - Southeast Detox - Newly updated for 2023, this guide features over 50 fully-vetted resources for Black women. A guide to help Black women rise and thrive in 2023 - Summit Wellness Group - Written and curated by Women of Color, this guide features over 60 resources for People of Color. - Tulip Hill Recovery - Extensive resources for Latinx college students and their allies. 39 Addiction & Mental Health Resources For Latinx College Students. - Wisconsin Recovery Institute - Wisconsin Recovery Institute is located in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. We offer detox, residential treatment, and outpatient addiction services to men and women, 18 years and older. The Wisconsin Recovery Institute’s drug and alcohol treatment program is particularly beneficial for adults seeking to break free from the grips of addiction, providing a supportive environment where they can begin their recovery journey. If you or someone you love is struggling with misusing substances, give our team a call and we’ll help get you started on treatment right away with an individualized plan.
Cancer Support/Resources: - and The Mesothelioma Center - Mesothelioma symptoms vary by disease type and location of tumors in the body. Primary symptoms of pleural mesothelioma include shortness of breath, chest or lower back pain, persistent dry cough and muscle weakness. Peritoneal patients may experience fluid buildup, abdominal pain and nausea. - and The Mesothelioma Center - Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer with a generally poor prognosis. The 5-year survival rate is 12%. Timely detection and treatment can extend survival to 12 to 21 months. - The Lanier Law Firm - Mesothelioma -Mesothelioma is a rare and serious cancer that affects the mesothelium, or lining, of various organs. You are at risk of developing this cancer if you have been exposed to asbestos. There is a 20-40 year latency between exposure and cancer development. Every year, there are approximately 3,000 new cases of mesothelioma in the United States. - The Lanier Law Firm - Mesothelioma and Mental Health - Caring for your mental health after a mesothelioma diagnosis can improve your quality of life and positively impact your physical response to treatment. It is natural to feel sadness and anxiety about your diagnosis, but with support, you can still experience purpose and joy as your condition progresses. - Lung Cancer Group - Each year, thousands are diagnosed with avoidable asbestos-related lung cancer. Many companies knew asbestos was harmful and did nothing. Lung Cancer Group helps lung cancer patients and families find justice and financial aid. - -
Mesothelioma support is essential for people living with this aggressive cancer. Patients and their caregivers often struggle emotionally and benefit from help in the form of therapy, counseling, and mesothelioma support groups. Financial support is also available to help cover costly treatments and other expenses. - Mesothelioma VeteransCenter - Every branch of the Armed Forces relied on asbestos for decades. As a result, U.S. veterans account for 33% or all mesothelioma diagnoses. Since the Mesothelioma Veterans Center was established, thousands have turned to our team for information, how to take action after a diagnosis and to learn about treatment options.
Cerebral Palsy: - Cerebral Palsy Guidance - Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neurological condition caused by brain damage, and it is the most common motor and movement disability of childhood. If your child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, you need to know what to expect. Get the answers to all of your questions so that you can make informed decisions about diagnosis, treatment, therapies, and legal action. - Cerebral Palsy Guide -Helping children with cerebral palsy. Cerebral Palsy Guide provides free educational materials, financial resources, and support options for families affected by this condition and other birth injuries.
Child Birth Injury: - Birth Injury Justice Center - The Birth Injury Justice Center was founded in 2003 by a team of legal professionals to educate and empower victims and families affected by birth injuries. Our team is devoted to providing you with the best resources and legal information for all types of birth injuries.
Community Specific Mental Health (And More) Resource Links For Parents And Students: - Homer Community Schools: Homer, Michigan USA - Helpful parent links and resources
Cyberbullying: - Broadband Search - As the name implies, cyberbullying is bullying in a digital space, such as on mobile phones, computers, tablets, etc., in arenas such as text messaging, social media, forums, online gaming, and more.
Even in the past year, bullying is still a problem for most people. 73 percent of students feel they were bullied in their lifetime, and 44 percent say it's happened in the last 30 days.
It should come as no surprise that cyberbullying has become a major issue. All that has happened is that an age-old problem has made its way into the digital world. One could argue that cyberbullying is more damaging than traditional in-person bullying because it can happen anytime. The words people use to bully are in the digital space, so cyberbullying is more challenging to spot, meaning it often goes unnoticed.
Depression: work - Fingerprint for Success presents - Depression at work: Symptoms and what to do about it - We put together a list of vital points of the signs that trigger a worker’s depression, causes of burnout, and how to overcome it.
Divorce and Mental Health: - O'Mara Law Group - Stay-at-Home Mom's Guide to Divorce: The O’Mara Law Group is available to assist stay-at-home mothers facing a divorce. Our team of family law professionals can offer support in various areas, such as financial planning, custody arrangements, and mothers’ rights. Our guide will help you develop strategies for rebuilding your life, managing your finances, and caring for yourself. By following these tips, you can confidently create a bright future for yourself and your children. - Hello Divorce - Tips For Boosting Your Mental Health During Divorce:
Holistic Health Blueprint: Dive into a comprehensive guide that underscores why mental well-being is as pivotal as physical health, providing actionable steps to maintain a harmonious mind-body balance.
Customized Support Network: Equip yourself with a specialized mental health care team, ensuring you're never alone during challenging times. From therapists to nutritionists, curate your personal circle of professionals ready to assist you.
Revitalize and Connect: Discover the magic of weaving play, joy, and nature into daily life. Reconnect with childhood passions, nourish your soul, and find solace in the therapeutic embrace of the natural world.
Eating Disorders: - WithinHealth - Eating disorders like binge eating disorder, atypical anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa often co-occur with substance use disorders. These conditions, when they occur on their own, can cause significant impairment in many aspects of a person’s life—and when they occur together, the physical, mental, and social consequences are often compounded.
Having a substance addiction can complicate eating disorder treatment outcomes and vice versa, which is why it’s essential that individuals receive comprehensive treatment that addresses both conditions. - Within Health - On their own, eating disorders are serious mental illnesses. But they are often accompanied by co-occurring mental health disorders, which can contribute to and complicate the conditions.
The causes and symptoms of many of these disorders can be similar, which may be why they tend to exist together at such a high rate. This can also make it hard to discern which is the primary condition and which is the secondary issue, which may impact treatment recommendations.
Still, experts are continuing to research and work on different methods that could help people dealing with more than one mental health condition at once.
Education/Employment: - Best Colleges - If you are fascinated by human nature, want to connect with people through your work, and can listen in an empathetic way, an online bachelor's in psychology or bachelor's in counseling could be a good fit for you. While these two fields are related, a counseling degree focuses more on that specific field, while a bachelor's in psychology covers additional theory in subfields like abnormal and social psychology. With both degrees, you can pursue a master's in counseling, which is a requirement for counselor licensure in most states.
Like most bachelor's degree programs, both psychology and counseling programs usually require students to earn approximately 120 credits. They take around four years of full-time study to complete at most of the top-ranked accredited colleges. However, requirements vary by school and program, so check specific requirements on program websites. Read on to learn more details about bachelor's in psychology and bachelor's in counseling programs, including courses, careers, and admission requirements. - Online MSW Degrees - We publish unbiased, professionally reviewed content that helps current & prospective college students looking for guidance on training & educational opportunities in the social services industry. - Resume Builder - Over 52.9 million Americans live with some form of mental illness throughout the U.S. That figure equates to nearly one in five adults. Mental health conditions can significantly impact one’s ability to secure and maintain employment, especially while receiving treatment. It can also make it difficult to reenter the workforce due to gaps in your professional timeline.
This guide provides a step-by-step guide to finding employment while receiving treatment for mental illness, including specific resume and cover letter writing tips and example interview questions, as well as tips to stay self-assured and centered as you land your dream job. We also interviewed Dr. Barbara Cox, a psychologist and author with over 20 years of experience in mental health and career coaching. We asked for her advice for individuals who are job hunting and how to lessen the impact on mental health. - Resume Templates ( - provides the internet's largest database of free resume templates in MS Word and Google Docs format
Legal: - Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Veterans Support - Between the 1950s and late 1980s, individuals at U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune were exposed to toxic chemicals in their drinking water. These chemicals have been proven to cause cancer, congenital disabilities, and other serious health conditions. After decades of investigations and tireless advocacy, new laws allow Camp Lejeune water contamination victims to take action.
The Camp Lejeune Claims Center was founded by health advocate, Chris Carberg, whose father died from bladder cancer connected to Camp Lejeune water contamination. We exist to help military veterans and their families get justice. - FormsPal - It’s a dedicated organization that works to better support our communities and every individual regardless of their gender, age, nationality, or religion by providing free high-quality legal templates and information online: have hundreds of free, downloadable, state-specific forms, you can learn more about the relation of their work's contribution to nation's healthcare system here: - makes it easier to take legal action. We provide information, lawsuit guides, and news about drugs, products, and other personal injury issues that could affect you. - Simmons Hanly Conroy has been committed to supporting its community for over 20 years. With more than $20 million donated to cancer research, our firm strives to provide support to those who need it the most. We've learned that our information, on-staff nurses, and guidance to compensation have provided the most meaningful help to individuals suffering from asbestos illnesses. - Sokolove Law - According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer and The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Toxicology Program, there is no safe level of exposure to asbestos. Sokolove Law was founded to help people suffering from asbestos-related diseases. Asbestos-manufacturing companies knew the dangerous health consequences of asbestos and still continued distribution. Our team has more than 40 years of experience fighting on behalf of mesothelioma victims in all 50 states to access compensation from these companies and secure financial security for treatment and families.
LGBTQIA+: - - LGBTQ+ students face barriers that negatively impact their mental wellness. This guide provides resources for finding affirming mental health support. - Colleges often fail to meet trans and nonbinary students’ mental health needs. Read more to learn how colleges can better support TNB students. - Centric Behavioral Health - Abundant resources for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) in the LGBTQ+ community - Drug Rehab USA -LGBTQIA+ Friendly Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers - Members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, and asexual+ community have endured unconscionable bias since the United States was born. Despite some advancements over the past couple of decades—in areas such as same-sex marriage and military service—targeted emotional and physical violence continues to this day.
While we have made strides, we have a long way to go. Members of the LGBTQIA+ community continue to be victimized thus leading to high rates of Substance Use Disorder, as LGBTQIA+ individuals search for emotional “escape” from the resulting trauma. - An abundant collection of mental health and substance use resources for Transgender people. - Black LGBTQ+ Support - an excellent guide full of resources for Black LGBTQ+ people. - - This guide covers the rights of LGBTQIA+ seniors, common challenges faced by older members of the LGBTQIA+ community, LGBTQ-friendly destinations and what to look for when comparing facilities. It also includes sources of financial aid and lists resources geared toward supporting LGBTQIA+ elders.
Mental Health/Addiction and Recovery Website Assistance: - The Digital Intellect - As the digital age increases more and more, it may seem out of place for a rehabilitation company to need to advertise. However, with a growing amount of various companies, you may feel the need to get a head start on a marketing campaign. The trouble is that marketing is no longer just getting your name out there, search engine optimization, keyword searches, website design, and much more. All of this is intended to enhance your rehab program. We at The Digital Intellect specialize in this, and are proficient in marketing for these companies in a number of ways.
Mental Health/Illness Information - - People often experience loneliness and isolation due to various factors as they age. Retirement can lead to a loss of work-related social connections. Changes in family dynamics, such as relocations or busy schedules, can reduce the frequency of visits. Additionally, health challenges like hearing issues or mobility loss can limit social interaction, further contributing to feelings of isolation in older adults.
To help seniors experiencing loneliness and isolation, we made a guide that discusses who’s at risk of loneliness and how it can affect their health and well-being. It also includes a list of resources to help older adults foster a greater sense of connection. - Drug Watch - Mental health is a measurement of a person’s psychological, social and emotional well-being. It affects the way people think, feel and act. Poor mental health may lead to mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression, but it may also affect physical health. People of every age can improve or maintain good mental health. - Drug Watch - Depression, also known as clinical depression or major depressive disorder, is a mood disorder that causes intense sadness lasting at least two weeks or more. It can interfere with a person’s ability to function and perform daily tasks. Treatment options include psychotherapy, medication and brain stimulation therapy. -MysticMag - 120+ Mental Health Resources to Help You Find Support - A mental health crisis can be urgent, but finding the right support takes time, can feel isolating, and may not be a straightforward process.
To help you get started, I’ve curated a list of internationally available mental health resources. If you or someone you know is in need of personal support, you can find the help you need on this list.
Each resource offers contact details online, in-person, or over the phone so you can easily reach people experienced in helping others work through mental health challenges.
And remember, whether you are asking for yourself or someone you love — seeking support is always okay. - College Mental Health Resources - To have a healthy body, you will need to have a healthy mind. Placing a priority on your psychological and emotional well-being affects how you think and feel. College is a challenging time for most students, and reaching out for help when you need it is a vital part of your long-term success.
This article addresses some of the problematic situations college students face and provides resources for finding help while keeping most students' financial and logistical limitations in mind. - -
12 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex - Engaging in regular sexual activity is correlated with a host of health benefits. Have you considered how sex could enhance your wellness? Beyond pleasure, sex has multifaceted health implications. As of 2023, contemporary research unveils a spectrum of physiological and psychological advantages linked with an active sex life.
Mental Health Assistance For Seniors: - - While there’s no one-size-fits-all treatment for mental health disorders, seniors who are struggling with issues such as depression, anxiety and eating disorders may want to consider joining an assisted living community. These facilities provide seniors with the safety and security that comes with knowing staff are always available to lend a helping hand, and many residents find they can rest easy knowing that they don’t need to worry about maintaining a home, shopping for groceries or preparing meals.
Assisted living services include structured social and therapeutic recreational programs designed to help seniors socialize and stay active, key factors in preventing many mental health issues. - ECDOL stands for Excellent Care, Decency, & Optimal Living - As our loved ones age, it can become increasingly challenging to provide them with the care and support they need. Fortunately, there are many community resources available to help seniors and their families navigate this stage of life. In this guide, we will explore the various resources and programs available for the elderly, and how they can benefit both seniors and their caregivers.
This guide includes:
Why Community Resources Are Important
A List of Different Resources
How to Access These Resources
Links to Helpful Organizations - Nursing Home Abuse Justice - Nursing Home Abuse Justice was founded to expose the epidemic of abuse and neglect in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Each year, tens of thousands of nursing home residents are seriously injured or die in facilities that promise to care for them. Our mission is to stop the abuse and end the cycle driven by negligence and greed. Anyone who abuses a senior citizen in a nursing home or assisted living facility needs to be held accountable for their sinister actions. - Nursing Home Neglect - Nursing home neglect or negligence --- the improper care of residents — is shockingly common. A lack of care in nursing homes can have serious consequences, including death. Learn about the causes, warning signs, and legal rights you may have to protect your loved one from nursing home negligence. - - If you've found your mental health declining as you age, you’re not alone. One quarter of all seniors report anxiety or depression. Men aged 65 and older are at the highest risk of suicide. Those age 85 and older, regardless of their gender, are the second-most likely age group to die from suicide in the United States. Older adults experience stressors that can impact mental health, including financial worries, grief and loneliness. Declining physical health and struggling with tasks you once found easy compound the situation. However, poor mental health isn’t a normal part of aging.
Despite the high rate of mental health concerns in seniors, less than 50% receive treatment, according to data from 2019. Senior living is one option for better mental health. An assisted living community provides stability, structure and support. Living in a community helps combat loneliness, which is one of the biggest contributors to depression. Having support with carrying out activities of daily living while simultaneously eliminating the need to cook or do housekeeping also lowers stress and gives seniors time to do what makes them happy.
Understanding how senior living can benefit mental health can help you decide whether a move to assisted living can improve your well-being.
Mental Health Treatment Centers, Guides, And Options: - Adler Health - If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health disorders, treatment can seem like a daunting task. But there are options available, and at Adler Health in Orange County, California, we specialize in mental health disorders treatment. We offer a variety of mental health therapies and mental health programs in orange county CA, so you can get the help you need to live a happy and healthy life.
Some of the mental health disorders we treat include anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and a variety of other mental health issues. We offer various therapies including EMDR and trauma therapy. We also offer treatment for co-occurring disorders, including substance abuse. - Agape Treatment Center - Agape Treatment Center in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Supporting individuals on their journey to recovery with personalized, structured care. At Agape, you'll find compassionate treatment for addiction and other behavioral health issues. - Breakwater Behavioral Health - Located in Orange County, California, our facility is more than simply a rehab center. We are a luxury mental health and addiction treatment center that offers compassionate, holistic care to those struggling with behavioral health challenges. From the initial stages of detox to the intensive and thorough care of residential treatment, we offer it all. Whether you’re facing a mental health disorder diagnosis, a substance use problem, or a dual diagnosis, Breakwater Behavioral Health is here for you. - Blume Behavioral Health - Teen therapy is a specialized form of psychotherapy that focuses on helping adolescents and their families navigate the challenges of adolescence. Located in Redondo Beach, California, our teen therapy practice provides a safe and supportive environment for teenagers to explore their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. - California Healing Centers - At California Healing Centers, we believe that everyone deserves compassionate, comprehensive, and personalized care for their mental health. Located in San Diego, our facility provides a serene and luxurious environment designed for healing, recovery, and personal growth. We offer a range of treatments and programs for those facing mental health challenges, with a particular focus on trauma and personality disorders. Our mission is to provide the highest standard of care, combining evidence-based practices with innovative therapies in a holistic approach that caters to both the mind and body. - DefiningWellness Centers - Struggling with mental health can last for weeks, months or even years. The truth is that trauma is at the heart of many mental health conditions. It can be hard to recognize this on your own, which is where an inpatient mental health treatment program can be truly beneficial. Not only can you begin to recognize and understand your trauma, but you can also build a toolbox of coping skills to help you combat it when you are going about your normal, everyday life outside of treatment. - Elevated Wellness Clinic - Elevated Wellness Clinic’s vision is to provide culturally competent, holistic, and wellness-focused services that promote social-emotional development and sobriety. While promoting the prevention of the development of trauma, and mental health challenges, and addressing social-emotional problems that currently exist. - Evolve Wellness - At Evolve Wellness, we pride ourselves on being a premier telehealth program that takes all your needs and preferences into account. When dealing with a mental health disorder, it can be daunting to reach out for help, let alone ask for it. Fortunately, you are not alone in your struggles, we’re here to help. We provide high-quality mental health treatment solutions including therapy and holistic options like yoga and guided meditation.
Our quality telehealth treatment is based out of California. However, our convenient online services are accessible from the comfort and sanctity of your own home, office, or anywhere our website is available! It doesn’t have to be a stressful and overwhelming experience. Our team makes it easy and will be next to you every step of the way. Don’t wait for things to get worse, it’s time to turn things around for the better and start living your life to the fullest. Reach out to our team today to learn more about our programs. - Idaho Empowered - If you or a loved one is in need of serious, inpatient mental health help in Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Colorado or anywhere else in the general area, SoCal Empowered of Idaho offers an inpatient treatment facility that’s designed to provide everyone who stays with us with a personally-tailored treatment approach that helps those who work with us get back on their feet and back into life. - Intercept - Innercept's Joint-Commission-accredited mental health treatment program is renowned for treating adolescents and young adults (ages 13 – 28). Our program has a 90-day minimum length of stay which enhances our ability to assess and treat young people with the most complex diagnoses and stubborn symptoms, including those who have failed at treatment before. Located in the resort town of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty, we offer the most comprehensive contin
uum of treatment in the field. By combining an evidence-based model with a "soft landing" environment, we set the stage for our residents to learn new ways to function and flourish throughout their lives. Innercept is now able to work with most commercial insurance plans, giving families increased access to the help they need. Learn more about the Innercept residential mental health treatment program using the form below or call (208) 875-5655 today. - Ironwood Maine - Ironwood Maine is committed to helping families in crisis with teens who struggle. Ironwood prioritizes positive relationship development while utilizing a behavioral support model, comprehensive therapy, and rigorous academics to cultivate personal growth and positive change. Our goal is to assess and treat the underlying causes of challenging behavior, to cultivate family reunification and communication, and to help establish and develop strong self-esteem in the young residents we serve. - Laguna Shores Mental Health - A mental health treatment center offers the opportunity to connect with others facing similar challenges, fostering a sense of community as you embark on your path to recovery. Pursuing professional help is vital as it provides access to qualified experts who understand your experiences. - Lightwork Therapy & Recovery - Lightwork Therapy & Recovery is a haven of empowerment, healing, and growth tailored for women. We’re located in Woburn, Massachusetts, and provide mental health treatment to women in surrounding areas, ages 18 and older.
At our mental health treatment center in Massachusetts, our purpose is to guide our clients toward confidence and self-reliance by equipping them with powerful coping strategies for daily life. At Lightwork, we provide a secure and nurturing environment, where our expert clinicians blend empathy and expertise to offer the latest advancements in mental health treatments. Our comprehensive approach incorporates individual sessions, group therapy, and holistic wellness techniques. We’re dedicated to offering women the support and renewal they deserve, addressing issues such as anxiety, depression, and trauma. - Peak Mental Health & Wellness -Mental health is of utmost importance to our overall well-being. Mental health disorders continue to impact millions of people across the United States every year. Sadly, many people don’t reach out for the help they need. That’s where our passionate and quality team of experts comes in. At Peak we offer you and your family all the tools needed to overcome and combat mental health disorders.
Our treatment center offers many options for comprehensive treatments related to mental illnesses, allowing individuals facing challenges an array of therapeutic choices. These include individualized behavioral counseling and specialized remedies. No matter what struggles one may face regarding their emotional well-being, our treatment solutions offer assistance on their path towards recovery through various forms of supportive healthcare services within reach throughout New Jersey itself. Don’t be afraid to reach out to us today! - Paradigm Treatment - For 12 years, Paradigm Treatment has been providing residential treatment for teens and young adults 12-26 with mental health issues. Our medical and clinical teams delve deep to address the root causes of the struggles young people face in today’s stress-filled world. We work closely with youth and their families treating anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, mood and personality disorders, and co-occurring substance use. Our teachers address academic issues so that students are able to resume studies after treatment while experiential approaches such as yoga, meditation, and equine therapy empower clients to transform their lives. We work with most commercial insurance and we are in-network with Anthem, among others. There IS hope. Call (855) 680-1820. - Principles Recovery Center - Principles Recovery is a family-owned substance use and mental health treatment center. When you enter our program, you become part of our family. - The Ridge - At our 350-acre campus in southeastern New Hampshire, we offer The Ridge, a specialized mental health residential program for teens who require therapeutic assessment and additional support. Our program prioritizes therapy, increased structure, higher levels of supervision, and fewer distractions to empower our residents to develop the critical strengths they need. The Ridge provides a supportive and caring environment for teens who need more intense care than they can receive at home, at school, or in a traditional residential setting. Contact us to learn more about The Ridge and how we can support your teen’s mental health journey. - Sabino Recovery - Set against the serene backdrop of Sabino Canyon in Tucson, Arizona, Sabino Recovery is the nation’s premier choice for mental health and addiction treatment. Our evidence-based treatment modalities place an emphasis on trauma as the root cause of many unhealthy patterns of thinking & behavior. Our intensive program has no set tracks, offering a truly individualized treatment experience.Privately owned & family-oriented, our facility brings together a multidisciplinary team of specialists with world-class expertise. Our holistic approach, harnessing both traditional & cutting-edge therapies, ensures we address every facet of an individual’s healing journey. The outcome is not just recovery but true transformation.Whether you are seeking treatment for yourself or for a loved one, we encourage you to take the first step toward true healing and contact us today. - Social Work License Map with eDX - Mental health is an undeniably important matter, yet most people don’t have access to the resources they need when they need help. At Social Work License Map, we have compiled a comprehensive list of resources for anyone seeking information about and/or help for a range of mental health issues.
Our list spans diagnostic tools, research portals, government organizations, nonprofits, blogs, and phone hotlines devoted to addressing issues ranging from general mental illnesses and disorders such as autism, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and substance abuse, to the specific needs of diverse populations, including LGBTQ youth, minorities, women, and veterans. Take a look at these resources, and we hope you find our list helpful! - Villa Kali Ma - Villa Kali Ma is a residential treatment center for women who suffer from substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. In our integrative sustainable recovery programs, our goal is to facilitate healing and transformation of women’s lives. In order to accomplish this goal, we guide women to look deeper, beyond the pain and fear, and uncover the truth of who they are. Learn more about how we help women heal.
Role Playing Games: Effects and Benefits for Our Mental Health (Research provided by the University of Toronto) - Doctors and child psychologists have long used play as a therapy, and there’s reason to think play can work as a therapy for adults.
Play provides a context where those with mental challenges like depression, anxiety, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can work through situations they find difficult to process and understand why and how they struggle with them.
This makes using a tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) a unique yet promising method of improving mental health among kids and adults. The problem-solving opportunities and interpersonal collaboration involved in role-playing games have therapeutic potential for those struggling with mental illness or disability.
TTRPGs deeply engage a wide range of mental and interpersonal skills, providing a safe, nonjudgmental, imaginative, and fun environment where players can creatively work through their trauma or cognitive difficulties.
But are role-playing games proven effective in boosting mental health? Let’s delve more into the fascinating world of TTRPG and where it stands on mental health. - Fantasy Grounds Academy - Role-playing games, or RPGs for short, include popular games like Magic, The Gathering, and Dungeons & Dragons. These games are not only fun — but they offer unique benefits that can improve mental health — something significant in an age of social-distance and world pandemics. Role-playing games are different from traditional video games, like Minecraft, in that they are traditionally played in person. Although regular video games are beneficial for mental health —— role-playing games can offer an even more significant benefit because they provide face-to-face interaction with others and facilitate a deeper connection. Themes of capability, self-confidence, and heroism are pretty familiar with role-playing games. These are themes that promote positive mental health and coping, which is one of the many reasons why RPGs are so helpful in mental health. Let’s take a more in-depth look at the impact of RPGs on mental health.
Social Media Addiction - The Lanier Law Firm - Society is becoming more aware of some of the dangerous effects of social media, especially on young audiences. It is something that we are even actively working with families on to make sure these apps become safer places. Since it is such an important issue, we recently made a page dedicated to social media addiction. It sheds interesting insight into many trends like: which app is the most dangerous, is social media addiction on the rise, are mental health issues increasing, and more.
Spinal Cord and Brain Injury: - Stride Rehabilitation Services Inc. - The team at Stride are experienced in acquired brain injury and spinal cord injury. Overall experience encompasses dealing with brain injuries, however, RSW’s draw from a broad range of experience working with individuals who have been diagnosed with mental health disorders, developmental disabilities, addiction as well as managing extremes in behaviour, to name a few.
Teachers and Educators: - Teachers Pay Teachers - Students Can't Sit Still? - My how have times changed. No longer do we believe children must sit absolutely still and quiet in order to learn. There is so much research on brain development, movement, time on task, and more.
Research shows that movement fires the brain and increases achievement. But how do we encourage movement without losing learning and time on task? - Trophy Central - This a detailed guide on managing classroom behavior to maximize student learning.
In this classroom guide, you'll learn about:
What classroom management is
The importance of classroom management
Techniques to manage classroom behavior
How to create classroom rules and procedures
The different types of reinforcements used in the classroom
Some useful classroom management apps
If your goal is to create a well-managed classroom, this guide offers important insights that teachers can use to enhance their classroom management competencies.
Let's get started.
Trauma: - Mental Health After a Traumatic Accident - Grief after a traumatic car accident can have a profound and long-lasting impact on individuals and their families, often leading to intense emotional distress and psychological trauma. Coping with the loss of a loved one or dealing with one's injuries and the trauma of the accident can significantly affect one's mental health, contributing to feelings of sadness, guilt, anger, and profound emotional pain.These issues can affect an individual's overall quality of life which is why we made a new resource about mental health after a traumatic accident.
Victims Of Sexual Assault/Abuse: - Florin/Roebig Trial Attorneys - If you’re searching for advice on what to do after a sexual assault, consider this step-by-step guide for a detailed overview of what to do immediately following the incident, your rights, sexual assault laws in your state, and how to seek help with filing a sexual assault claim. - Helping Survivors - Our mission is to assist anyone who has been victimized by sexual assault or abuse. Our website is a compilation of information around different instances of sexual violence. We offer resources to assist survivors and their families. We recently made a guide on child sex abuse and how it affects victims long term. - Helping Survivors - The mission of the Helping Survivors group is to heal, educate, and empower survivors of sexual abuse, sexual violence, and domestic violence. We plan to achieve this by providing content on that is centered around empowering survivors to achieve their goals and empower transformation by leading with empathy.