You are welcome here!
What's new out of Founder-land? I'm always up to something!
Sometimes, a lot of the time, we need to be reminded or remind ourselves to step back from life and Just Breathe. Take a breath. Life flies by. It can be great. It can be overwhelming. No matter what, we have to slow it down from time to time and remember to simplify. Breathe. Just Breathe.
I love this song.
Just Breathe by Pearl Jam -
cover by Jason Kehl
The Story by Brandi Carlile -
cover by Jason Kehl
I've taken my mental health head on over the last five years. Five years ago was rough. Really rough. The journey. Tough. Really tough.
And so am I! I am here. I am alive and I am happy to be.
My wife is my rock. She gets me unlike anyone else. I can be me and anything else. She has stood right by my side through my battle with mental illness. At times I'm sure I appeared to not care about really anything. At times I talked really bad about myself. At times I was a hard person to live with I'm sure. At times I seemed very self absorbed.
She stood right there. That is a level of comfort, a safe place, that is always right there. Loving me even when I'm angry.
This song is for my wife. I love you.
One by U2 - cover by Jason Kehl
A song I have loved since the first time I heard it many years ago. Your mental health matters. You matter. One love. One life.
So Damn Lucky by Dave Matthews Band -
cover by Jason Kehl
I play everything you hear. I find it to be an interesting and fun challenge to undertake. Recorded in my basement as this is a passion of mine, but also a hobby.
This tune reminds me of where I was 5 years ago this past Tuesday. I was drinking way heavy. My mental health was in darkness. It felt like what I can only describe as a mental health car wreck. So many had already gone on ahead of me and were right there, without hesitation, to pick me right back up. Unconditional love comes to mind. I am truly blessed. I know not everybody has such a support system and it adds a whole other element to the mental health car wreck. This song makes me want to celebrate more than focus on the car wreck. I've made it through. I am here. I couldn't have done it without the support net that bounced me right back up. I love you. My wife is my rock. Without her, I don't know where I might be. So Damn Lucky that you went on ahead....
Times Like These by Foo Fighters -
cover by Jason Kehl
Times Like These. These are our times like these. Right now. I know you may not be in a good place right now mentally. That is OK. Lean on someone man. These are your Times Like These and you deserve the best. Yes you do. You Matter right now as we share our time together on this earth breathing in the same oxygen our earth provides each and every one of us. The bad doesn't have to be permanent. The bad isn't permanent. The good hasn't left. It's just out of sight right now, but it wants you back. I absolutely love this song! So much truth and hope in this song. I had to sing it multiple times as it's one that can get me emotional thinking about where I have come from and where I am now. It's been a battle folks...
Check out more Music from me and others over on The Jams page!
Thank you for checking us out! You are welcome here. Everyone is welcome here. Please, feel free to check out the many different pages we have.
Many of them involve others sharing their stories and experiences utilizing the method of their choosing. I think you will find something you can relate with. I hope you find some level of hope and peace from what we have here.
Stay as long as you want and I am glad you are here! I am especially glad you are here with us on this Earth.
It is OK to not be OK. It is OK to need help. It is OK to ask for help. Sometimes we can't figure everything out on our own. It needs to be known that it is OK to ask for help. Asking for help has most definitely changed my life!
We Are Stronger Together!
Jason Kehl, Founder 💚💪😀
A nonprofit mental health
awareness website celebrating
people and their experiences
throughout life.
Real People. Real Stories. Real Life.
You can hang out with me on many of the popular apps and other ways of listening. You can always cruise over to The Podcasts and listen as much as you want****
I'm tossing the script and I'm giving you
an even realer real me and all of my awesome
quirks that make Think more
of an outline approach which will provide a
lot of freedom in which to lay out the
message I intend to throw out there for each
episode. I plan on doing some good stuff for
your head while also helping mine out at the
same time. Real life, day to day, Mental
Health Awareness coming at you. Emotions
Click The Image!
آر ايم ايڇ
Check out our Newest Podcast addition over on The Podcasts page: Stories of Healing - by Vincent E. Paul
ڀلي ڪري آيا!
Rocking Mental Health is a comfortable place for all of us to share our mental health and mental illness experiences.
Expressed through the avenue of your choosing, whether it be Videos, Podcasts, Blogs, Music, Art, Books, and more, we are always looking to add new ideas. Let's spread mental health awareness together.
Interested in sharing your content? Send me a message!
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Busting and Breaking Stigma!
Check out The Blogs
متعارف ڪرائڻ:
اسٽيگما بمقابله بين جيمن
Rat Tail
چاڊ سوگاس طرفان
اهو ٺيڪ ناهي ته ٺيڪ ناهي
Rat Tail هن مختصر آٽو بايوگرافڪ ڊاڪيومينٽري ۾ ڊائريڪٽر چاڊ سوگاس جي ڊپريشن سان جنگ کي ڳولي ٿو. چوهيءَ جي دم جي باري ۾ جيڪو هن جي لڳ ڀڳ ڏهن سالن تائين هو (جيڪو هن جا والدين اڃا تائين پنهنجي بيسمينٽ جي اسٽوريج روم ۾ رکيا آهن) جي باري ۾ هڪ خودڪشي واري ڪهاڻي شروع ٿئي ٿي، غير متوقع خود دريافت ۽ شفا جي سفر ۾ گذري ٿو.
وڌيڪ چيڪ ڪريو ته چاڊ ڇا ڪري رهيو آهي
اسان جو مشن:
هي سڀ ڇا آهي؟
اسان يقين رکون ٿا ته دنيا کي ذهني صحت جي واڌاري جي ضرورت آهي. اسان کي هر شيءِ جي ضرورت آهي جيڪا اسان پنهنجي هٿن ۾ حاصل ڪري سگهون ٿا ذهني صحت جي ڀرپاسي واري داغ کي ختم ڪرڻ ۾ مدد لاءِ. اسان اهو اعتماد حاصل ڪريون ٿا ته اهو ٺيڪ آهي مدد جي ضرورت ۽ طلب ڪرڻ، ۽ ان جي نتيجي ۾ اسان کي بهترين زندگي گذارڻ جي صلاحيت حاصل ڪري سگهون ٿا جيڪو اسان ممڪن طور تي پاڻ کي جيئرو ڏسي سگهون ٿا.
اهو ٺيڪ ناهي ته ٺيڪ نه هجي!
مدد لاءِ پڇڻ ٺيڪ آهي!
تون اڪيلو نه آهين!
You Matter!
اسان مان هر هڪ اسان جي ذهني صحت کي بهتر ڪرڻ لاء ڪم ڪري رهيو آهي. ڪنهن کي به استثنيٰ ناهي. جيڪڏهن توهان هن زمين تي انسان آهيو، توهان هميشه پنهنجي ذهني صحت کي بهتر ڪرڻ تي ڪم ڪري رهيا آهيو. هي سائيٽ هر ڪنهن لاءِ جڳهه هجڻ جو مطلب آهي. اسان سڀ ڪجهه ڏئي سگهون ٿا. اسان سڀ ڪجهه وٺي سگهون ٿا. اندر توهان کي بلاگ، پوڊ ڪاسٽ، ۽ وڌيڪ ملندا جيڪي توهان ۽ مان ماڻهن پاران ٺاهيا ويا آهن. اسان سڀ ڪجهه اسان جي ذهني صحت سان لاڳاپيل آهي. اسان سڀني کي حصيداري ڪرڻ لاء هڪ ڪهاڻي آهي. اسان سڀ هڪ ٻئي جي تجربن مان ڪجهه وٺي سگهون ٿا، سٺو يا خراب. منهنجو مقصد آهي ھڪڙو جڳھ مهيا ڪريو جتي ھتي ھميشہ ڪجھھ ھجي جيڪو ھر ڪنھن کي فائدو ڏئي سگھي ٿو جيڪو گھمندو آھي ۽ جيڪو اسان سڀني وانگر ھڪڙو ٺاھيو آھي.
مھرباني ڪري، ھڪڙي نظر وٺو سڀني اختيارن تي دستياب آھي ۽ مون کي اميد آھي ته توھان ڪجھھ ڳوليندا آھيو جيڪو توھان جي زندگي لاءِ بامعني ۽ توھان جي ذهني صحت جي ترقي لاءِ بامعني آھي.
Thinking About Getting Help For An Addiction? Visit The Resources. We have an ever growing list of websites listed providing a variety of options and topics including Rehab Centers from all over the United States.
Rocking Mental Health:
Your Mental Health and Addiction Spot
پهريون قدم وٺو.
هڪ پوري نئين دنيا جو انتظار آهي.
پرواز ڪرڻ لاءِ ڏنو ويو
مون هميشه ڪوشش ڪئي آهي ته پرل ڄام جي گيت گيون ٽو فلائي کي پينٽنگ سان بيان ڪريان. چڱو هتي اهو آهي "فرمائڻ لاء ڏنو ويو". ڊجيٽل آرٽ پيڊ استعمال ڪندي ٺاهيو ويو (هڪ اوزار جيڪو مان اڃا تائين سکي رهيو آهيان ڪيئن استعمال ڪجي).
اسان سڀني کي پرواز ڪرڻ لاء ڏنو ويو آهي. اسان اتي حاصل ڪرڻ لاء مختلف رستا وٺي سگهون ٿا، پر ڄاڻو ته توهان جو مطلب آهي پرواز ڪرڻ لاء! ڪڏهن ڪڏهن رستي ۾ ڪجهه اونداهي هنڌ شامل آهن. صبر ڪر. صبر ڪرڻ. توهان حاصل ڪري سگهو ٿا ۽ اتي پهچي ويندا ۽ مان سمجهان ٿو ته اهو هر ڪنهن لاءِ سچو آهي.
"مان ڪير آهيان؟" جيسن ڪيهل طرفان
مھرباني ڪري عطيو ڪرڻ تي غور ڪريو
مان ڪير آهيان؟ اهو هڪ سوال آهي جنهن سان مون کي شروع کان وٺي رهيو آهي. ان وقت کان وٺي مون مدد لاء پڇيو. ان لمحي کان وٺي مون فيصلو ڪيو شراب هاڻي مون کي ڪنٽرول نه ڪندو. مون سوچيو ته مان ڪجهه آهيان جڏهن مون پيتو. مون سمجهيو ته مون کي خبر آهي ته اها شيءِ ڪير آهي، پر اهو پيئڻ جي ڦيرڦار ۾ گم ٿي ويو جيترو مون هر وقت پيئندو هو. جڏهن توهان پنهنجي زندگيءَ جو هڪ وڏو حصو وٺي ويندا آهيو، چاهي اهو منفي هجي يا مثبت، اتي هڪ نئين دريافت ٿئي ٿي. توهان بنيادي طور تي هڪ نئون ماڻهو آهيو ۽ اهو وقت وٺندو آهي دريافت ڪرڻ لاء جيڪو اسان واقعي آهيون. سوال ”مان ڪير آهيان؟ ڪيترائي ڀيرا آيو آهيان جيئن آئون هن نئين مون کي ڳولڻ لاء ڪم ڪري رهيو آهيان. مان محسوس ڪريان ٿو ته مان هر روز ويجھو ٿي رهيو آهيان، ۽ هر روز آئون وڌيڪ ۽ وڌيڪ سمجهان ٿو، ۽ مان اهو پسند ڪريان ٿو جيڪو مون کي ڏسڻ ۾ اچي ٿو.
مھرباني ڪري اسان سان شامل ٿيو اسان جي مشن ۾ دماغي صحت جي شعور کي سڄي دنيا ۾ پکيڙڻ لاء. توھان جو سخي عطيو سڌو سنئون مدد ڪرڻ ۾ مدد ڪري ٿو ۽ اسان کي اجازت ڏئي ٿو ته جيئن اسين ڪري سگھون گھڻن ماڻھن تائين. دنيا کي ڄاڻڻ جي ضرورت آهي ته اهو ٺيڪ آهي ٺيڪ ناهي. ڪنهن کي به پنهنجي جدوجهد ۾ اڪيلو محسوس نه ڪرڻ گهرجي. اسان جي رسائي کي وڌائڻ ۾ مدد لاء توهان جي مهرباني. اسان گڏجي مضبوط آهيون!
Rocking Mental Health NFP Inc. کي IRS پاران 501(c)(3) ٽيڪس معاف ٿيل خيراتي تنظيم طور سڃاتو وڃي ٿو.